Wednesday, March 24, 2010

17. [Rise of the Earth Kingdom: Chapter Five]

The next morning Amelia was up early. She sat up in her bed, looking out her window.

She sighed and slowly stood, walking over to her closet to grab something to wear.

Amelia changed fairly quickly and walked over to her mirror and brushed her hair, looking down at the clock.

She grabbed her bags and walked downstairs and into her kitchen.

"Good morning, Amelia." her mother said, sipping her coffee.

"Good morning, mom." Amelia said, putting some bread into the toaster.

"You're up early."

"Yeah, I know. I want to get to school early and find Emily." her mother sat down her coffee and sat down at the table in their kitchen.

"Why not just walk to her house?" Amelia sighed and sat down at the table as well.

"I would, but Emily's house is about ten minutes in the wrong direction."

"Oh right, I forgot she lives more downtown." Amelia walked over to the toaster and grabbed her toast.

"Yeah, I need to get going if I want to get to school on time today." Amelia stuck the toast in her mouth as she slipped her bags over her shoulder.

"Alright, I'll see you after school then. Be careful today." Amelia eyed her mom for a moment.

"I-I will, bye mom." Amelia took a bite of her toast and walked out the door.

"That was odd." she thought.

"Mom has never said be careful before and I've been walking to school since I was a kid. I wonder why she said it today."

"Good morning, Amelia." Victoria greeted, walking up behind her with Dawn following.

"Good morning, Vicky. Where are you off to this morning?" Amelia asked.

"Photography class is meeting at the park today to take pictures."

"Oh, sounds cool. What type of cameras are you guys using?"

"Well I'm using my digital camera this week." Amelia nodded.

"Cool." Victoria looked down at Amelia.

"Amelia, what's going on?" Amelia sighed.

"I'm sure it's nothing, but when I went to Emily's last night she wasn't home and her phone was off."

"That's odd. Any idea why?" Amelia shook her head.

"No idea, but I'll ask her about it when I get to school." Victoria nodded.

"Sounds like a good idea." They stopped at the park, Victoria glanced over to see more than half of her class already there.

"Heh, looks like I might be a little late. Have a good day in school, Amelia."

"Thanks, and have fun taking pictures!" They both waved goodbye as Amelia kept walking and Victoria joined her class in the park.

Amelia looked up to see her school up ahead. She started to run to be sure she'd get there early enough.

Once she reached the school she started walking towards her class, looking for Emily and didn't see her anywhere.

"Maybe she decided to go ahead and go to class early." she muttered, as she approached her class.

Emily wasn't there, no one was. Well aside from the two people who are always there.

Amelia walked over to her desk and sat down, pulling out her ipod.

"Maybe she's just late..." she thought.

Amelia put in her ear buds and listened to music until the bell rang and people started walking into class.

Amelia put away her ipod as Mrs. Lewinski walked in.

"Well here's a surprise. It's nice to see you here so early, Miss James." she said, sitting her bag at her desk.

"I just felt like being early for once." Amelia told her as she slipped her ipod into her bag.

"You should start being early more often Amelia, you're grades will surely improve." Amelia smiled.

"I know Mrs. Lewinski."

The final bell rang and Emily never showed up for class. Amelia sighed as she wrote down the notes that Mrs. Lewinski wrote down on the board.

"Something is up, Emily is always in school. I'll go by her house tonight and see if she's there. Even if she's sick she shows up. Something must really be wrong."

Amelia yawned and leaned her head on her hand, waiting for class to be over.

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